LED panel Pro 60x60cm 33W 4000K UGR<19 | Alternativ til 4x18W
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Product Serie | Delta Pro |
EAN | 8719157900782 | |
Mærke | Budgetlight | |
Producent navn | Budgetlight LED Panel Delta Pro 33W 3600lm 4000K 60x60 UGR<19 (4x18W eqv.) | |
Vores garanti er fuldt ud inkluderet i produktprisen og dækker både skjulte og tekniske fejl ved produktet som er opstået før levering. Garantiperioden er forskellig fra produkt til produkt og spænder fra 1 år helt op til maksimalt 5 år.
Budgetlights all-in garanti | 5 år |
Gennemsnitlig Levetid (time) | 70000 |
Teknologi | LED Integreret | |
Dette tal angiver, hvilken wattstyrke din gamle/konventionelle belysning skal erstattes med af det nye LED produkt.
Erstatter (Watt) | 4x18 |
Conventional fixture equivalent | 4x18W | |
Watt | 33 | |
Volt (V) | 220-240 | |
Dæmpbare | Nej, ikke dæmpbar | |
Farvetemperatur (Kelvin) | 4000K - kold hvid |
Farvekoden er en kombination af farvegengivelse (CRI) og lysfarve (Kelvin). Det første tal angiver farvegengivelsen (1 = meget dårlig og farvegengivelse 9 = maksimal farveægthed). Det andet og tredje tal indeholder lysfarven. Eksempel: Farvekoden 830 består af god farvegengivelse (8) og varmt hvidt lys (3000K).
Farvekode | 840 kold hvid |
Farvegengivelse (Ra) | 80-89 - God farvegengivelse | |
En lysvinkel angiver vinklen på den lysstråle, der kommer fra en lyskilde. Jo mindre lysvinklen er i grader (D), jo smallere er lysstålens vinklen.
Lysvinkel (grader) | 90 |
Antallet af lumen (lm) er målet for en lyskildes lysudbytte. Jo højere antallet af lumen er, jo mere lys udsender lyskilden. Watt og antallet af lumen kan ikke sammenholdes med hinanden. En LED pære med et lavt wattforbrug kan have et højt antal lumen endda højere end en konventionel pære med et højt wattforbrug.
Lumen (Lysfluks) | 3600 |
Lysudbytte (Lm/W) | 109.1 | |
Velegnet til udendørsbrug | Nej | |
IP værdien angiver graden af beskyttelse mod indtrængning af fugt og støv. Det første ciffer (0 = ikke beskyttet til 6 = helt støvtæt) angiver beskyttelsen mod støv. Det 2. ciffer (0 = ikke beskyttet indtil 8 = beskyttet mod nedsænkning) angiver beskyttelsen mod vand.
Beskyttelsesniveau | IP20 |
IK værdien står for slagfasthed og beskyttelse mod vandalisme. Den udtrykkes i kombination med 2 cifre (IK00 - IK10). Produkter med IK00 er ikke beskyttet mod stød og slag. Produkter med IK10 giver modstandsdygtighed over for stød på 20 Joule og er også beskyttet mod vandalisme.
IK-Klasse | IK04 - 0.50 Joule |
Driver Inkluderet | Ja | |
Effektfaktor | >0.95 | |
Dette filter giver dig mulighed for at forfine din søgning ved at vælge specifikke typer lyskilder. Vælg mellem indstillinger som LED -pærer, LED -rør eller LED -pletter for at finde den perfekte belysningsløsning til dine behov.
Produkttype | LED Panel |
Montering | Forsænket | |
UGR-indeks | < 19 - Til kontor og skoler | |
Driftstemperatur | -10 til +40 | |
Nødbelysning | Nej | |
Armatur Farve | Hvid | |
Materiale | Aluminium | |
Armaturfarve | Hvid |
LED Panel størrelse | 60x60cm | |
Længde (mm) | 595 | |
Bredde (mm) | 595 | |
Højde (mm) | 10.5 |
Beskrivelse LED panel Pro 60x60cm 33W 4000K UGR<19 | Alternativ til 4x18W
Energy savings up to 50%
Where a TL-fixture with 4 TL tubes of 18W uses 72W, the Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro uses far less. The Budgetlight LED panel only uses 33W, what results in a decrease of energy use up to 50%! Because there are no separate parts in the LED panel, there is no need to look into this. The LED panel is also maintenance-free which of course saves costs.
After 2 years, the cost of the LED panel recouped!
Due to energy savings up to 50% compared to the conventional TL-fixtures, you’ll directly see a difference in your energy costs. Combined with the long lifespan of 70.000 hours (over 20 years in an average office environment), the Budgetlight LED panel is an investment that has already recouped itself within 2 years!
Lifespan of 70.000 burning hours
The Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro has a lifespan of 70.000 burning hours. Suppose the lights in your office burn 12 hours a day. This increases to 60 hours a week and 3120 hours a year. That would mean that it will burn optimally for over 20 years! Compared with TL-tubes that only last 20,000 hours, the Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro will burn approximately 3.5 times as long. In addition, with a LED panel the light output is guaranteed for almost its entire life span, whereas with normal fluorescent tubes this already reduces after 10,000 hours. Therefore the Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro is a good investment for the future!
Energy label A++
The Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro has energy label A++. This means the LED panel is very energy-efficient and the LED lighting also meets the European guidelines for use in, for example, office spaces.
Philips Xitanium LED Driver
Due to the collaboration of Budgetlight with A-brand Philips, the Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro is equipped with a Philips Xitanium LED driver. The high quality of this driver has many advantages.The Xitanium driver makes a power factor of> 0.95 possible. Therefore, due to the low power consumption of the driver, you’ll save energy! In addition, the inrush current is very low. When you turn on a group of LED panels, the panels first need a boost of power to work. This initial peak in energy can cause unpleasant consequences such as a short circuit. Because the inrush current of the Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro is very low, the initial peak is much lower and you can connect multiple panels in a group.
Cool-white (4000K), appropriate for the office
The Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro is available in various colour temperatures. This LED panel is cool-white of colour (4000K) what is perfect for spaces where concentration is desired, like office spaces. This LED light is comfortable and doesn’t wear the eyes, so employees can perform at their best.
Unified Glare Ratio: very low (UGR lower than 19) and thus appropriate for office spaces
Because it is of course important that employees can work comfortably and be productive at the office, European guidelines have been set. With a Unified Glare Ratio of UGR>19, the Budgetlight LED panel Delta pro meets these guidelines completely and the employees can comfortably do their work without being disturbed by reflective lights!
5 years of Budgetlight warranty
At Budgetlight, we try to do everything to provide the best service possible. That’s why we offer up to 5 years of warranty on the Budgetlight LED panel Delta Pro!